Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Kiss the Bride

    I don't know about you all, but I think I am very easily lured into impulse purchase by romantic themes. This online-exclusive trio of lipsticks (here) from Clinique, cunningly titled "Kiss the Bride" with shade names like "Will You...?", "I Do" and "Honeymoon", are obviously targeted at new brides and hopeless romantics like me. What began as an online search for the very popular Clinique Cheek Pop in "Pansy" ended with the lavender blush and a tube of  "Will You...?" in the mail.

    不知道你們會不會這樣,但我很容易被浪漫的主題擊中然後衝動地買下去 XD  倩碧這系列唇膏(這裡)很狡猾的定了幸福花嫁的主題,色號還很應景地取名為"你願意嗎...?(Will You...?)"、"我願意(I Do)"跟"蜜月(Honeymoon)",簡直意圖一網打盡即將出嫁的姑娘們跟對浪漫主題毫無免疫力的女人,比如我  >_<。  總之,原本只是想上網買個倩碧到處缺貨的紫色腮紅,到最後腦波很弱的連唇膏也一起帶了  orz

    To be honest, this is a rather plain lipstick in terms of shade uniqueness and performance. "Will You...?" is a very wearable but common shade of pink with just a tinge of coral, and the finish is sort of a creamy matte. Unfortunately it does not really hide lip lines and the formula is a bit sheer. On the other hand, it really does last quite long (obviously a draw for brides-to-be, but honestly the lasting power is not as great as Clinique's 8-hour claim) and survived past a lamb chop meal on one occasion for me. As many reviewers had mentioned on the website, this is a comfortable lipstick to wear, and I'm a little surprised to find myself in agreement. While I don't really feel that the formula is exceptionally moisturizing or anything, it does stay on the lips without being sticky or drying out. And now I'm in a limbo regarding repurchasing because while the shades and the coverage are really too blah for the price tag, I find myself reaching out for this lipstick more and more often in the morning because of its comfort and wearability.
    老實說,這真的是一支蠻普通的唇膏,顏色普通,表現也普通。"Will You...?"這支就是個很實擦但也很常見的帶點珊瑚調的嫩粉紅,是有一點點亮澤的半霧面質地。很不幸的它不太遮唇紋,遮蓋力也一般。優點是它的確蠻持久的(大概這點會吸引要美一整天的新娘們,但其實也沒有像倩碧廣告說的耐8小時那麼神),不過最近有次吃完羊排發現唇膏還在真是有點感動  T︿T   另外就是就像官網有不少使用者有提到,用起來滿舒適的。雖然我對這個評價一開始頗不以為然,實際擦的時候也不覺得特別滋潤之類的,但是好在它不黏膩,然後一整天用下來嘴唇真的不會覺得乾。所以我現在陷入了關於回購的兩難,一方面覺得它色號跟遮蓋力太普通了買開架就好,另一方面就是因為普通的實用色加上舒適度,現在早上越來越常拿出這支來化上班妝。

    In keeping with the theme, I've decided to don a veil for the complete look. Do not be alarmed if the veil looks a tad unorthodox, frankly it is just a sequined and scalloped tablecloth, haha! By the way, I really recommend this lavender blush (here) by Clinique, just so cute and the packaging is really better than what I perceived on the official website. I think I am going to write a post on this next time, for now I'm just going to watch the Simpsons (again) while feasting on season-inappropriate mint ice-cream  ; )

    為了呼應花嫁主題特地披了個頭紗來拍全臉妝容。如果你覺得那頭紗怪怪的那並不是錯覺,因為這紗其實就是個有亮片花邊的桌布而已  XDD  另外還蠻推板上也很紅的倩碧的薰衣草色腮紅(這個),真的很可愛而且包裝比官網照片有質感。大概下一篇妝文想寫這個,不過現在我要去一邊看"辛普森一家"(又來)然後一邊不合乎季節的大吃薄荷冰淇淋啦  ; P


1 comment:

  1. the color looks so beautiful <33

    cheer, michelle ~


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